Moog Australia Pty Ltd |
Country | Australia |
About the Manufacturer |
Moog began manufacturing industrial products 40 years ago. In 1959, they introduced their first industrial servovalve which has become the world's standard for high-performance hydraulic actuation. Since then, they have migrated upstream to produce the electronic controls for servo systems, and then expanded their base to include electric drives and electromechanical systems.Today they provide both standard and customized servovalves and electric drives as components, as well as integrated hydraulic and electromechanical sub-systems. Their equipment services the military and commercial airline industry, satellite and launch vehicles, and industrial automation, as well as computer controlled hydraulic platforms used within the amusement industry as motion simulators. Their products cover a wide range including actuation systems, motion platforms, flight controls for military and commercial aircraft, satellite mechanisms, servovalves, servo-proportional valves, and a range of test equipment. Their motion simulator range includes the Series 6 DOF 2000E, Series 6 DOF 5000E, Series 6 DOF 7000E, and Series 4 DOF 9000E. |
Contact Details |
Office | Australia |
Address | 14 Miles Street, Mulgrave, VIC, 3170 |
Phone | +61 03 9561 6044 |
Fax | +61 03 9562 0246 |
Web Address | www.moog.com |