The Arabian Jewel was released by Sega in 2010. It has four game stations and can have to up to 8 players at a time. The Arabian jewel has a common field in the centre where both jewels and medals are located, there are also individual fields located at the individual game stations. It is at these individual stations that you can receive your winnings, the jewels travel down a spiralling rail from the individual field to into your own jewel checker. The Arabian Jewel is also the first Sega machine to have a common field. There are several different types of jewels and each jewel has a different value, depending on the machine there will be more or less of one kind of jewel, the jewel which is the rarest and hardest to get will have the most worth. However the big jewels will always result in a jackpot.
How to play:
To play you first enter your medal into the machine, it then causes the jewels in your individual field to fall. If you do this well and many jewels fall then depending on the colour of the jewels more or less medals will also fall. If you receive the big jewel then you win the jackpot.