Army Boxer is a military themed boxer machine featuring four mini games that test player's power, reflex and precision skills.
The Firepower Hard Level and Firepower Easy Level modes test players strength by asking them to punch once as hard as they can.
The Rapid Reaction Training mode tests reflexes. Players must wait until the red burglar appears on screen before punching.
The Sniper Shooting mode tests accuracy by asking players to punch when the onscreen reticule lines up with the target. Points are awarded based on how close players get to the target.
The Army Boxer machine features a servo-mechanism ball release, a 17 inch wide screen LCD screen and 5.5 inch speakers.
The machine software gives operators the option to regulate the volume, credits, power correction, time correction, best score limit, record drop-down delay, record drop-down value, record reset, credit reset and default settings.