The iBoxer Striptease is a boxer machine with four mini games to test power, reflex and precision. Additional games can also be purchased.
The machine features two power modes (Real Man Power and Real Girl Power). Players punch the ball as hard as they can. The machine measures the strength of the punch and a number of on screen tiles drop away to reveal an image of an attractive male or female (depending on the mode selected). The harder the punch, the more is revealed.
In Reflex mode, players must hold off on punching until the sign on screen turns green. Players are scored on their quick reflexes.
In Precision mode, players must try to get the strength of their punch as close to the target score as possible. The closer the score the more points are awarded.
The machine features a servo-mechanism ball release, a 17 inch wide screen LCD screen and 5.5 inch speakers. The cabinet itself comes in black/magenta, white/magenta and red options.
The machine software gives operators the option to regulate the volume, credits, power correction, time correction, best score limit, record drop-down delay, record drop-down value, record reset, credit reset and default settings.