Features the new Enjoy Level
As in previous games, DDR X3 vs 2ndMix uses level unlocking system to unlock some of the game's unlockable content. Players need to fulfill certain requirements to fill up the "Enjoy Level" bar and when it is full, the player levels up. This requires e-Amusement. Most of Enjoy Level unlocks are songs taken from North American DDR 2010 and DDR II, in addition to new songs.
Extra Stage
DDR X3 also implements a new system for accessing Extra Stage. "Star system" can now be used to access Extra Stage. When the player clear a song, they will get stars (shown below the grade) depending on what grade they get:
- AAA grade = 3 stars
- AA grade = 2 stars
- A-D grade = 1 star
- E grade (Failed) = 0 star
- Getting a full combo = (Number of stars for a certain performance grade [AAA, AA, A, B, C, or D] + 1) stars
A slot with 9 star slots will be displayed below the results screen. When the player earn 9 stars, they can access Extra Stage regardless of their grade. After using it though, they will reset and the player must earn them back. Note that this is only available for players with e-AMUSEMENT. The new song available for Extra Stage is Amalgamation. In addition, the Encore Extra Stage songs are eventually available on Extra Stage after a specified date and if the player fulfill a secret requirement using the star system :
As of January 25, 2012, UNBELIEVABLE (Sparky remix) can be unlocked.
As of April 25, 2012, NEPHILIM DELTA can be unlocked.
Encore Extra Stage is a new addition.
The requirement for accessing Encore Extra Stage is the same from DDR X2; scoring AA or better under Expert on the specific song during Extra Stage. Scoring AA or better on Amalgamation will unlock UNBELIEVABLE (Sparky remix). Two additional songs were added on Encore Extra Stage after a specified date :
As of January 25, 2012, unlocking UNBELIEVABLE (Sparky remix) on Extra Stage and doing the EES requirement unlocks NEPHILIM DELTA.
As of April 25, 2012, unlocking NEPHILIM DELTA on Extra Stage and doing the EES requirement unlocks SILVER☆DREAM.
Like DDR X2, these songs are the sole choice for Encore Extra Stage and only available on Expert difficulty.
The game will have Internet Ranking like previous games. As usual, it uses the courses available in the game. The game uses e-Amusement to upload the scores to network. There are four Internet Rankings :
- INTERNET RANKING#1 = February 8, 2012 - February 22, 2012 ~ uses HYPER and vs X3
- INTERNET RANKING#2 = February 29, 2012 - March 14, 2012 ~ uses VOCAL and UPPER
- INTERNET RANKING#3 = March 28, 2012 - April 15, 2012 ~ uses TAG PLATINUM and vs 2ndMIX
- INTERNET RANKING#4 = May 9, 2012 - May 27, 2012 ~ uses RECOMMEND and BEMANI