The Ice Age franchise is one of the world's highest grossing animated movie licenses of all time, and is now a stunning two player skill redemption game: Ice Breaker. This game is an eye-catching display on any floor, and fans of the franchise of all ages will be entertained by this highly interactive game, and those watching can enjoy the trailer for Ice Age 4: Continental Drift.
Ice Age boasts a 42" horizontally mounted LCD panel for game play and two 23" vertically mounted LCD panels, in the marquee, that display the upcoming movie trailer while at the same time showing players how to win. Never before has a redemption game had such a captivating marquee that attracts players from all over the game room.
The game features two sets of interactive acorn "pads" where the player tries to win the big ticket bonus by timing his or her hits of the acorns to crack the ICE all the way through to the center BONUS ring. Crack the ice into the center ring and you win the operator adjustable super bonus.
- Ticket redemption
- 2 player
- 42" Horizontal LCD screen
- Two 22" marquee attract screens
- Official Ice Age license