Bishi Bashi Champ Online is a multiplayer, online-enabled arcade machine from the Bishi Bashi Series. Inside it collects a camera and just uses the E-Amusement card to play with.
It is with many different and exciting modes, such as 'Story' mode, 'Ranking' and a massive 'Nationwide Tournament' with internet rankings. And it is with mini games for 1 to 3 players, just controlling with colored buttons.
The game controls are very simple - part of it's allure for players. Each player has a red, blue ans green button and each game will tell you what each button represents before it begins, i.e. left, right and jump may be the controls.
The machine has heaps of super exciting and funny mini-games that players can enjoy with friends or family. The fun game play encourages repeat play and the bright LED lit cabinet draws in players from all across the floor.