Following on from the successful of Stern's recent Simpson's Pinball. Stern strike agains this time with a coin roll down redemption machine called The Simpsons Kooky Carnival.
The machine includes several mechanical features for the coin to roll into, including a 3-D Homer-Head that holds a coin-accepting donut in his mouth, Bart on a skateboard protecting the entrance to the Screamatorium and Comic Book Guy sitting in a dunk tank taunting the player to dunk him by rolling a coin into his bucket. Each of the characters represent a different letter. Homer is W, Bart is I, and Comic Book Guy is N. Spell WIN and the player receives the Kooky Bonus Award.
The software for game was designed to get the most tickets into the players' hands while still rewarding the operator. It not only features original dialogue performed by the show's voice actors but includes more dialogue than any other redemption game on the market. It also includes The Simpsons theme song, as well as many authentic carnival sounds.