About Strong Man
Strong Man is a strength testing machine, suitable for left or right handers. The player places his elbow on the mat and grips the lever, the player can be then testing by increases amounts of pressure being used by the lever. The player is rated by the amount of pressure he can applied and withstand from the machine, of like all arm wrestling machine the object is the force the lever all the way to the opposing side. The player score based on strength is displayed and the machine comments on the score and performance.
Product Details for Strong Man
- Elbow sensor - Electronic coin slot mechanism - 86 lighting points - Reliable mechanism - Innovative electronic solutions - Stable design (all-metal) - Left- and right-arm wrestling options - Sound messages in stereo in seven language versions ( English, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Czech and Polish) - Full-year guarantee - Post-guarantee service - Innovative look (imitation of a strong man trunk) - CE certificate - Exterior parts chromium-plated
Product Name : | Strong Man |
Category Type : | Novelty Machines |
Manufacturer : | X-Line |
Year Of Release : | 2007 |
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