Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
A pinball based on American space travel. Which features 5 rollovers labelled A-E and 8 drop targets, making all these targets lights kick out hole for special, extra ball or double bonus. |
A card based pinball, which features 9 drop targets each label 10-Ace, with 5 combinations possible thanks to the scan-bonus. The double bonus allows the player to score up to 30,000. |
A surfing styled pinball with 5 drop targets and 5 star roll overs to form a sequence that allows the player to score an extra ball or special on the now lit rollovers. |
A space themed pinball which features 15 drop targets and 4 flippers with which to reach them. The drop targets are placed in sets around the playfield and hitting them gains points and bonuses. |
A space themed pinball which featuring bumpers, targets, spinners and more. The player can get up to 5 extra balls on a single ball in play thanks to Stern's add-a-ball feature. |
A bowling themed pinball where the player can light up all 10 of the pins icons for a strike, which gains points and bonuses. The players can try to light up all 3 strikes and increased scoring & bonuses. |
A pinball themed off a roller disco, featuring fluorescent artwork and double flippers. The player shoots at bumpers, rollover targets and attempt to spell R-O-L-L-E-R & D-I-S-C-O by hitting drop targets. |
A olympic themed pinball which features bumpers, drop targets and roll overs. The player can get bonus multipliers by lighting up straight lines on the numerical display on the playfield. |
A pinball based on alien rockets which the player must destroy by hitting the drop targets. If any of the rockets reach the players multiplier game the targets reset and the player must start again. |
A card based pinball, with both top and side rollover buttons, as well as center card rollovers that light bumpers for increased scoring. |