Highway Games 4:3 Arcade LCD Monitors By Arcooda
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Arcade Machines

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Explore In Jungle

Explore In Jungle

A redemption machine that is played by trying to light up as much of a numbered light column as possible.
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El Dorado (prize)

El Dorado (prize)

El Dorado is an exciting prize game from Eolith. Within 60 seconds, the player must 'rake off' a preset number of medals and try to reveal a card, which can then be redeemed for a prize.
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Carring Water

Carring Water

A 4-player redemption machine featuring a rotating plate that consists of twelve small bamboo pots. Players drop their coin into the machine and try to make it through small funnels and into rotating bamboo pots.
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Captain Zodiac

Captain Zodiac

Captain Zodiac is a carnival machine with the combined themes of pirates and boxing. Players don a boxing glove and attempt hit a pad as it springs forth from the machine.
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Break The Bank

Break The Bank

A redemption game based on rotating lights that stop at numbers, similar to the concept of roulette.
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BonBon Scoop

BonBon Scoop

BonBon Scoop is a crane machine enclosed under a large bubble-dome. Inside, numerous little crane machines in the shapes of actual cranes - not just claws, can be activated to pick up gifts from within.
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Smart Holder

Smart Holder

A graphics-based gaming machine displaying playing cards with unique symbols on them.
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Touch Toy

Touch Toy

Touch Toy is a touchscreen terminal to entertain and stimulate children. Touch Toy is suitable for children from three years up and optimally combines games fun and learning with tested software.
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Show Hand

Show Hand

Show Hand is a card game based video gaming machine that also incorporates an on-screen slot machine activity.
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Magic Bomb

Magic Bomb

Magic Bomb is five separate gaming games in one.
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