Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
A robot 3D fighting game in which the player uses a two joystick combination to pull off aerial and evasive moves. The triggers for close and long range combat are located towards the top of the joystick. |
Three players can board this "light stopping" 1, 2, or 3 coin drop game, and get swept away in Titanic's vivid coloring, multiple jackpot levels, 3 stations, LED/Dot Displays, and superb sound. |
Midway's entry into the touchscreen games arena, The Touchmaster Infinity is powered a PC so both games and full motion footage can be shown in digital TV quality graphics. |
Super 555 is a Traditional poker game with special bonus mini games. |
Illusion's SpeedSports product line provides thrilling networked interactive simulation of Grand Prix, Stock Car, or Rally Car racing. |
Chocolate Factory is a crane machine that combines the Crane and the Pusher, and that along with the allure of winning of multiple candy bars. |
Gambling machine with a Chinese theme. |
Upgraded monitors: provides high resolution (true photo quality) graphics and a new interface system. |
Use your machine gun and grenades to destroy your enemies as you run through the battlefields in an attempt to rescue your friends who are being held captive. |
The Ocean Hunter: Take to the high seas under water adventure. Players explore ancient ruins while under water, and with the use of guns fight off a large number of marine monsters in the form of sharks and other deep water creatures. |