Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
A pinball based on the band KISS, artwork of the band in incorporated into the backglass playfield and cabinet. The machine featuring 2 Kiss songs and a additional sound package is included. |
A pinball themed around a barabian. The playfield features bumpers, standing targets, bonus multipliers and 4 flippers. |
A pinball themed on the basketball team The Harlem Globetrotters. The game features lots of spinners and bumpers to shoot for and includes an extra flipper. |
A space themed pinball with drop targets and bumpers. As well as an extra ball bonus, rollover targets, bonus multipliers and more. |
A pinball themed off the singer Dolly Parton. During gameplay Dolly's song "Here you come Again" plays. The player can spell D-O-L-L-Y & P-A-R-T-O-N for big points and bonuses. |
A space themed pinball in which the player can increase his/her bonus multiplier by getting the 4 rollovers at the top of the playfield, |
A space themed pinball where the player can shoot for 4 sets of color coded drop targets. Hitting these targets lights bonuses like specials & extra ball bonuses. |
A pinball based on a Indian warrior, featuring 3 pairs of drop targets and A-B-C-D rollovers which increases in value and light the way for an extra ball. |
A pinball themed on a magical genie featuring a bonus playfield inside a playfield. The main playfield contain double sets of A-B-C-D rollovers and bumpers and more. |
A gunfighting themed pinball, where the operator can adjust settings like balls per game, add a ball, replay for different player's skill levels. |