Highway Games 4:3 Arcade LCD Monitors By Arcooda
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Time Fantasy

Time Fantasy

A pinball based on time, where the player must make the Mushroom Jump in the indicated direction to get the lit value, if the player makes the jump in the wrong direction the lit value is subtracted.
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Granny & the Gators

Granny & the Gators

Granny & the Gators is a combination video and pinball game which features both flippers and controls for the video game part.
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A futuristic themed pinball where the player battles goldball by hitting the 1-2-3 to accelerate the bonus points. Or while goldball's in play aiming at the spinner targets.
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Grand Slam

Grand Slam

A baseball themed pinball where the player tries to score grand slams by hitting drop targets and bumpers.
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Firepower II

Firepower II

Sequel to Firepower in which player complete banks of targets, and spells F-I-R-E-P-O-W-E-R, for a variety of bonuses.
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Baby Pac-Man

Baby Pac-Man

Baby Pac-Man is a combined video and pinball game which contains controls for the pinball and for the video game.
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A pinball themed off an old fashion speak easy with 4 different game ventures to play. Machine features straight flush top rollovers that award 2 extra balls when done in sequence.
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Haunted House

Haunted House

Themed on a haunted house, the playfield contains 3 levels the upstairs, the main floor and the cellar each floor has it's own set of scoring opportunities and bonuses.
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Devil's Dare

Devil's Dare

A pinball with the playfield depicting the devil. Game features 2 and 3 ball multi-ball bonus. The ball save can be lit by completing any target bank.
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Based on the movie character James Bond the backglass and playfield artwork features James surrounded by girls, The game features lane skill shots, pop bumpers, roll overs and other targets.
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