Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
Scrolling Plane vertical shoot them up, shoot or bomb the enemy. |
Choose a planet to liberate and gain weapon power ups to give you the edge against enemies and stage bosses. |
A scrolling adventure game, player takes the role of Hiryu, a Ninja as he battles his way through many enemies and stage bosses, in his attempt to destroy a ruthless overlord. |
A racing car game, where the player drives around a grand prix track and has to beat the computer opponents in order to advance. |
You are a member of the Sentinel Angels sent to save the world. |
A side scrolling beat them up, where the player takes the role of a monk in order to rescue kidnapped children. Game contains 4 stages, stage bosses and a master's challenge in-between stages. |
A plane shoot them up scrolling video game, where the player battles crafts from 5 eras in time, player has a 360 degrees range of fire. |
Space Shoot them up, player attack various ground and air enemy vehicles then goes after the stage boss of each level. |
Players can choose to play as either Leonardo, Raphael, Michealangelo, or Donatello while trying to save April O'Neil and Splinter and to defeat their arch-enemies Krang and The Shredder. |
A side scrolling adventure game, where the players takes to role of Toki who was turned into a monkey by a sorcerer. Toki's Quest is to rescue his girlfriend. |