Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
The Route 66 is a follow on from Car Wash; it has the same playfield and cabinet as the Car Wash and is available as an 8 Player only. |
Sharp Shootin' is a rifle shooting redemption game in which the player has 10 shots at 10 targets. |
The hexagonal Spaced Out pusher is constructed of an all-wood cabinet and is themed on Aliens/Space travel with sound effects. |
Players try to stomp on seven "spiders" as they light up on a special, non-skid floor platform. |
The Ticket Center lets your customers count and shred their own tickets using the Ticket Center. |
National Ticket wristbands have been proven to be a major success in theme parks, water parks, amphitheaters, and picnic parks. |
The setting is a 1920's pub, where the player competes in bar room fights. The player can pull off a number the different punches, by pulling off ramp shots and hitting targets. |
Cactus Canyon features a wild west theme where the player must rise up through the ranks of law enforcement, then trigger high noon for the shootout at the OK Corral. |
Based on the TV show & featuring voice of all the major cast. Special features include Holo Deck video modes, Netural Zone encounters, 8 missions and more. |
A car themed pinball, the player's objective of course is to get as many points as possible to do this the player must unlock the multiball by running red lights and than outrun the police to score the jackpot. |