Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
Take control of a vicious gang warrior looking for blood in the streets of Tokyo. They're coming armed to the teeth with a body count in mind. |
A side scrolling beat them up loosely based on the movie, featuring punching, kicking, power up items and insanely large combos. |
Data East's 1 to 4 simultaneous player basketball game. |
Funky Dice is a prize machine game where the player hits the button which pop the dice up in the air and get a prize depending on the number it lands on. |
World Class Bowling: Video bowling game with 3D graphics. |
A redemption machine where the player tries to roll a coin into one of the pockets on the playing field or into the goal for a bigger payout. |
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey: Action for up to 4 players, all the NHL teams and key players. |
A wacky kind of racing games where the player controls his/her character with a trackball. Skill and coordination is of great importance in this race. |
A crane machine from Win n Grin Amusements. The machine has been designed with the operator in mind. |
An arcade game based on the card game "Magic - The Gathering". The player choose one of 5 wizards each with their own magical discipline (Light, Dark, Fire, Etc), and fights to the death against another wizard. |