Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
Naughy Lionet is a hammer type redemption game where players use mallets to hit lion cubs that pop their heads out of holes on the play field. Players are awarded one point for every Lionet (or lion cub). |
Rope Skipping is a redemption game that acts as a virtual 'jump rope'. The machine features a number of bright, multi coloured lights that light up around a circle. These lights are the skipping rope. |
Spider Stomp 2 is a redemption game where the goal is to save the Butterfly Fairy from the spiders who are trying to eat her. Spider Stomp 2 is the updated version of Spider Stomp. |
A bowling themed ball toss / skee ball redemption machine. Players must control their strength and direction to throw balls into the rings. The higher your score, the more tickets you win. |
Spider Stomp is a redemption game where the goal is to save the Butterfly Fairy from the spiders who are trying to eat her. |
Hammering Master is a redemption game where a number of creatures pop up out of holes on the screen. Players must hit the corresponding buttons on the control panel to send the creatures back into their holes. |
A bowling themed ball toss redemption machine. There are 9 rings, each of which has a different score. Players must control their strength and direction to throw balls into the rings. |
Hitting Master is a hammer style redemption game where players select a scene and then use the mallet provided to hit the various creatures (cockroaches, mosquitos, aliens etc). The more skillful a player is, the more tickets they win. |
A prize machine with a bright colourful cabinet which is sure to appeal to children. |
Funny Hammer is a redemption machine that can award players both tickets and prizes. Player's use the hammer provided to test their strength and attempt to win the major prize. |