Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
A pinball based on alien rockets which the player must destroy by hitting the drop targets. If any of the rockets reach the players multiplier game the targets reset and the player must start again. |
A card based pinball, with both top and side rollover buttons, as well as center card rollovers that light bumpers for increased scoring. |
A space themed pinball with art depicting female space riders. The player can set up the extra ball target bank by getting the top 4 rollovers, completing the space loop, or hitting the target bank twice. |
A pinball with artwork depicting a singer at a nightclub with lots of roll overs and other targets to shoot at. Which can bag the player points and bonuses including replay. |
A pinball based on playing snooker. Where the top rollover opens the bottom gate, while the 2 smaller rollovers advance the bonus multiplier. |
A fantasy themed pinball which contains 10 checkered drop targets which can score 50, 500 or even 5,000 points. |
Based on a game of soccer this pinball features, mystery bonus kick holes that can hold 1 to 3 balls, as well as spinners, roll overs double bonus scoring on last ball. |
A racing car themed pinball where the player can score a special bonus by hitting any 4 adjacent numbers of the 7 number sequence. |
A ten pin bowling themed pinball which features an animated rolling bonus that can be doubled or tripled. If the player can get the ball in the mystery bonus hole he/she can get 3 bonus advances. |
A magic themed pinball with a sorcerer dominating both the blackglass and playfield artwork. The machine contains number sequenced rollovers at both the top and bottom of the playfield. |