Alphabetical List : #·
A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z |
A large medal machine from Konami. It is the 3rd game in the series, following on from previous games Fever, Fever Cyclon. |
Galileo Factory 2 is a large scale medal game from Sega. The machine has 10 satellite player terminals, suitable for up to 20 players. Similar to the first game, the machine has a large criss-crossed roller coaster like structure in the center of the unit, with players maneuvering coloured balls on the coaster with aim of dropping the balls in a particular place. |
Jackpot Winner Boxer is a slots themed redemption machine with ticket dispenser. Players strike the punch ball in order to spin the onscreen slot machine. The machine will payout tickets for every triple number score (eg. 111, 222, 333 etc) as well as the best score. The machine will dispense Minor payouts (5-20 tickets) and Major payouts (20-100 tickets). The quantity of the Major payout will increase as the jackpot grows. |
Angry Penguins Boxer is a boxer machine that features animations of funny flying penguins. The machine has a power mode that measures the strength behind a punch. The harder the punch, the further the penguins fly and the higher the score. |
Kingpin Boxer is a bowling themed boxer machine that is perfect for bowling center locations. The machine features two modes; Power and Bowling Precision.
Power is a basic mode that measures the strength behind player's punches, while Bowling Precision is a mini game that simulates a bowling frame. Players must first punch as hard as they can to knock down as many pins as possible. Their second punch must be accurate in order to knock down the remaining pins to get a spare. |
The iBoxer Striptease is a boxer machine with four mini games to test power, reflex and precision. Additional games can also be purchased.
The machine features two power modes (Real Man Power and Real Girl Power). Players punch the ball as hard as they can. The machine measures the strength of the punch and a number of on screen tiles drop away to reveal an image of an attractive male or female (depending on the mode selected). The harder the punch, the more is revealed. |
Cashwinner is a SWP (skill with prize) boxer machine with coin payout system. Players strike the punch ball in order to spin the onscreen slot machine.
The machine will payout for every triple number score (eg. 111, 222, 333 etc) as well as the best score. The machine will dispense Minor payouts (5-20 coins) and Major payouts (20-100 coins). |
Army Boxer is a military themed boxer machine featuring four mini games that test player's power, reflex and precision skills. |
A crane machine from Banpresto, suitable for small prizes and gifts. |
Storm-G is a motion simulator game manufactured by Sega. It is a futuristic bobsled racing game that features a moving cockpit that spins left and right at each turn and makes a 360 degree circular motion to simulate barrel rolls while traveling through tunnels. |