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Chandler Says Slots Would Pay for Books
Democratic candidate for governor of Kentucky, Ben Chandler yesterday added several more education-related projects to the list of proposals he wants to fund with slot machines at racetracks. In addition to raising teacher salaries - which Chandler originally pegged as the goal of slot machine proceeds - he said that expanded gambling money should pay for purchasing new textbooks and school technology, repairing and renovating schools, reducing class sizes and starting more after-school programs. He said that although he doesn't view expanded gambling as a silver bullet to the state's budget woes, allowing slot machines at racetracks is "an opportunity to find some revenue to assist our goal in education."
"What I am doing with expanded gaming is really setting out a principle," he said during an announcement at Northside Elementary, where his two sons go to school. "Will this pay for all services and needs? I don't want to suggest that." Chandler's running mate, Charlie Owen, quoted a state-sponsored study that said Kentuckians spend $1 billion on gambling outside the state. After declining to commit to the idea during the Democratic primary, Chandler said earlier this month that he would push for slots at racetracks, but not for freestanding casinos. Allowing slot machines at racetracks or any other form of expanded gambling, such as casinos, requires a state constitutional amendment. Asked what he would do if an amendment allowing expanded gambling is not approved by the General Assembly or voters, Chandler said: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
SOURCE: heraldleader.