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2004 Golden Tee Tournament Prize Structure

2004 Golden Tee Tournament Prize Structure
2004 Golden Tee Tournament Prize Structure
Incredible Technologies, operators of the International Tournament System (ITS), and the manufacturer of the coin-operated video game, Golden Tee Fore!, has increased their monthly tournament prizes for 2004. Starting in January, the monthly tournament prizes will total more than $233,000 and be awarded to over 5,200 tournament winners.

The ITS offers tournament play on more than 25,000 Golden Tee machines in the U.S. Players select a special 9-hole tournament course that is the same on every machine. Tournament scores are collected and ranked on special game leaderboards. Tournaments run from the 1st through the 21st of each month, and winners are posted on the games and the IT website. Players claim their prizes directly from Incredible Technologies.

Starting in January 2004, IT will increase annual tournament revenue $111,000 from last year, with 675 new prize spots added to the three skill divisions. The Bronze, Silver and Gold Divisions separate the top players from novice players, allowing for a fair chance at winning and encouraging competition between players of similar skill. Starting this January, the entry-level Bronze division offers a total of 4,500 prizes, up 500 from the previous year. The Silver Division offers 600 prizes ranging from $375 to $75. And the Gold Division moves from 75 prizes to 125 prizes, with the top prize remaining at $2,500.

"Our message to players is that with so many more prizes in all divisions it will be easier than ever to play and win", said Scott Morrison, ITS executive director. "Advancing between divisions will also be faster and more dynamic than ever, and we expect to see a lot of movement in the ranks. This should make for much more exciting tournaments and attract fresh new players."

"The International tournament System is a big part of Golden Tee's success", said Elaine Hodgson, president of Incredible Technologies. "We know how important the ITS is to operators and locations as a way to attract new players and keep them coming back. We are confident that the new tournament structure for 2004 will increase awareness and boost earnings".


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