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Global VR Launches Tournament Program and National Live Event
Global VR, manufacturer and developer of video games for the coin-op market, is pleased to announce the launch of its new Tournament Program that began on 1 January, 2004.
The new program increases the existing cash prize pool by more than 400%, which is certain to translate to additional revenue for operators and locations, according to Global VR.
"GLOBAL VR is committed to creating the most robust Tournament Program in the industry," said Milind Bharvirkar, Global VR's President and CEO.
"Changing our tournament model to award cash prizes every two weeks will encourage game play, increase revenue, and provide more opportunity for more players to win more money," Mr Bharvirkar said.
"In addition to earning more cash, 2-Week Tournament winners will also qualify to participate in Global VR's first North American Championship which will be held in Las Vegas in November. You can look forward to learning more about that in the days to follow."
The 2-Week Tournament Program that began this month boasts a $2,500.00 bi-weekly grand prize, with $1,500.00 going to the second place winner and $750 going to third. In total, Global VR will pay out 400 cash prizes every two weeks - more than double the number of prizes previously awarded in monthly tournaments.
James Kucera, Global VR's Tournament Manager commented on the new Program, "Perhaps the most exciting part of the Program is that a new tournament will start the moment the previous one ends. There is no 'down time' for players or operators."
Operators wishing to participate in 2-Week Tournaments need to have their EA SPORTS™ PGA TOUR® GOLF: Championship Edition cabinets online. Tournament-connected cabinets with flat-fee billing will also receive free software updates, including Championship Edition II, which delivers five new courses and free Local Operator Tournaments. Global VR offers three ways to pay tournament fees: discounted annual flat fee, monthly flat fee, and pay-per-play.
Operators needing more information should contact their local distributor or Global VR.