FHM – For Him Magazine, one of the nation's most popular men's entertainment journals, named Big Buck Hunter II one of the 50 Greatest Games of All Time in a feature published in their January issue.
The list was not limited to only video games. Big Buck Hunter II came in at #44 beating out seemingly immortal rainy day diversions such as Twister, Battleship and Hungry Hungry Hippos.
The feature mentions that Big Buck Hunter II machines are designed for online play and that monthly cash tournaments award a first-place prize of $1,000.
"Big Buck is the sleeping giant of coin-op," said Don Pesceone, Incredible Technologies' Vice President of Sales. "Its number-one in Play Meter's poll this month and being singled out in FHM proves this game is ready to explode. Even though Big Buck has been around for three years, it's still a ground-floor opportunity."
"We saw this same sort of grass-roots interest and buzz back in 97-98," said Elaine Hodgson, IT's President and CEO. "At that time word was starting to spread that this new video game, Golden Tee Golf, was cool and fun to play. We're seeing that same sort of interest now with Big Buck Hunter."
Scott Morrison, IT's Vice President of Marketing said, "Big Buck is the top-earning online game in bars today. Our Big Buck Hunter II ITS tournament grew at over a 20% clip in December. Players want more opportunities to win cash. Big Buck is where they're turning."
Operators should call their distributors today to get on the Big Buck bandwagon. Big Buck Hunter II is available as an online dedicated unit as well as a kit. Big Buck ITS tournaments run from the 8th through the 28th of each month. The newly released FACTS contest software also allows operators to conduct local contests and tournaments on their Big Buck Hunter II games.
For more information about Big Buck Hunter II and other IT products, visit
www.itsgames.com or call Incredible Technologies on 847.870.7027.