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National Ticket Company Announces the Opening of Two Sales Offices
National Ticket Company recently opened sales offices representing the Mid-Atlantic region and New York City, following a 20 year gap since the company was represented in New York, by its former president - the late Jack Conway.
Sue Ann Timco - pictured - the Eastern/Central New York and New England account manager, is a fourth generation shareholder and great-granddaughter of co-founder, Nicholas R. Ludes. She joined the company in 2001 as the Mid-Atlantic Account Manager. Prior to that, Ms Timco worked at the Pennsylvania Medical Society of Harrisburg, PA, as a membership coordinator and then as a meeting manager. Ms Timco graduated from Our Lady of Lourdes Regional High School. She also attended the University of Pittsburgh and is a graduate of McCann School of Business.
Richard Eddy has also joined National Ticket Company as Mid-Atlantic account manager. He brings with him nearly 25 years of industry experience, as well as additional product lines developed during an independent venture. A US Air Force Veteran, Mr Eddy also attended Bloomfield College, and earned an MBA from Rutgers University.