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New Contest Software Generates Huge Revenues for Operators

New Contest Software Generates Huge Revenues for Operators
New Contest Software Generates Huge Revenues for Operators
The most powerful software tool ever created by Incredible Technologies is already generating huge dollars for operators around the world. FACTS (Free Automated Contest and Tournament Software) allows operators access to game-play data from their Golden Tee and Big Buck Hunter 2 games, and enables them to use this information to conduct contests and tournaments from the convenience of their office PC's.

Registered operators can download FACTS simply by logging on to their secure Operator Services account at IT's website, www.itsgames.com. FACTS will run on almost any Microsoft Windows operating system.

FACTS is the newest generation of the already popular AMOA Innovator Award-winning CPR2 program, first made available in 2002. "We've been developing this tool for the past 5 years," said Andy Kniaz, IT's Director of Product Support. "It is now easier to use, more encompassing, and gives the operator more opportunities to communicate with players than when it won the AMOA Innovator Award. Our developers really did a bang-up job!"

Operators will be able to advertise their FACTS contests not only on their game screens, but also on GoldenTee.com, the new one-stop site for everything Golden Tee. "GoldenTee.com will be one of the most heavily marketed websites in the coin-op industry," said Mr Kniaz. "We fully expect that Golden Tee players will make GoldenTee.com the first website they visit when they log on each day. Having the ability to advertise your contest on this site at no charge is a major improvement over CPR2."

According to Maria Ruth of AJ Video in Rockville, Maryland, "Our company recently gave away a new 2004 Mazda to the winner of a year-long Golden Tee contest. FACTS allowed me to run this money-making contest from the convenience of my office PC," she said. "I don't know what I'd do with out FACTS. It's so simple and easy to use."

FACTS can be run at any time and reside on more than one computer. Once it is installed, an operator can download daily batches of player data and send ad messages and leaderboards directly from the program to the game or games in the field. The player data is stored locally on your computer, allowing you to run various reports as often as you wish without a live Internet connection. FACTS is fully compatible with CPR2 and easily converts existing CPR2 data and contest libraries to a FACTS database. Updating to FACTS will not affect current contests setup with CPR2.

"FACTS takes the already powerful CPR2 system and expands it with great new features for
both the veteran and novice user", said Mr Kniaz. "We have listened to operators from all over the world and incorporated dozens of great suggestions and improvements. The stylish new interface and help buttons on every screen make FACTS easy to understand and a valuable tool for every business."

Gary Walters of Starburst Coin Machines in Toronto, Canada said, "What has been very helpful is the extra advertising screens that FACTS allows us to send to our Golden Tee's. It's also valuable that with the new 2005 update, the machine displays these screens in front of every player at the beginning of a League game. This makes a huge difference in the amount of exposure our contests receive."

According to Bruce Colbourne of Amusement Machine Distributors in Sydney, Australia, FACTS is an indispensable tool. "To maximize Golden Tee income all operators need to promote the game in each location. FACTS provides us the opportunity to improve the appearance and access to leaderboards for the players to check their scores. It also gives us a fantastic variety of promotions allowing us to create those that are most suitable to each site."

One of the most exciting new features of FACTS is the ability to run contests on online Big Buck Hunter 2 machines. "Everyone knows how successful local contests are on Golden Tee," said Don Pesceone, IT's Vice President of Sales. "Now Big Buck machines can enjoy the earnings boost that contests provide. Easy-to-run contests on Big Buck Hunter will be huge!""


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