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SIPEM Wins Distribution Rights for Radical New Namco Game
"One of the most exciting and radical products to come out of the coin-op industry for many years" is how Namco's commercial and sales director, John McKenzie described Pac-Man Ball, the pusher/video game which is being distributed throughout Italy by Turin based SIPEM.
First shown by SIPEM at the Enada Primavera, Pac-Man Ball arrives in Italy with immaculate credentials. Emphasising the games track record gained since its January 2003 launch, John McKenzie said, "Pac-Man Ball is so different from any of the current coin-op products that we have not been able to give it an adequate product classification. The fact that it's a pusher but with an integral video feature means that it delivers an entirely new experience to players.
"It's been a major attraction wherever it's been sited in the UK, a fact that's reflected in the income figures. The game is extremely compact which means operators can site it in single or multiple units. Our phenomenal success in the UK is sure to be emulated in Italy."