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Photo Play Terminals Help Teach Business Students
Funworld Ag has announced its Photo Play terminals will function as a training partner this year for a practice company of the Gmunden trading college in Upper Austria. The company, Baghira FunZone Gesmbh with e-business, was formed by ten students and was introduced recently at a premiere event at Funworld's headquarters in Schörfling. Baghira FunZone boasts a total of five departments, all of which will be involved in the sale of Photo Play terminals. Management consultant for the company is Mag. Helga Waihs, the students' subject professor. The students will work as company employees for four hours each week. Upper Austria's Raiffeisenkasse bank has even opened a fictitious bank account, complete with an account number and fictitious money at the students' disposal to give them hands on experience with the administrative side of running a company. Students will be involved in all business activities ranging from registering the company, to keeping employee ledgers to purchasing, carrying out marketing campaigns and paying wages.
The Federal Ministry's Austrian Centre for Training Firms, ACT, has also contributed to the students' learning experience by providing them with the opportunity to register for social insurance, tax office and UID number and allowing them to take due claims between other practice trading companies to a special ACT court of law for settlement. Austria's educational schools have an especially work-orientated curriculum, with a compulsory clause for fourth-year students at trading colleges to direct special practice companies. The companies, although providing the students with a realistic taste of commercial business, must only carry out fictional transactions. Funworld's press officer Ilse Retzek said she was very impressed with the students' project presentation. "Tomorrow's employees already learn to make important commercial decisions at school and we are very pleased to make ourselves available in the form of acting as coaches and providing ideas."