The new image of the 17th edition of Sapar-Agis's Enada Spring International Coin-op Show, organised by Rimini Fiera Spa and being held at the Rimini Expo centre from 10-13 March 2005, has been designed by Unica Communication Agency. Enada Spring is considered by trade members as the most complete expo showcase in Southern Europe and offers an endless array of all the latest new products regarding coin-op machines (video games, pinball machines, juke-boxes, video juke-boxes, etc.) billiard tables, carom billiards, table soccer, kiddie rides, equipment, accessories and spare parts, automatic dispensers, bingo hall equipment, technology and services, furnishings, fittings and security systems for amusement arcades, gadgets, internet points, bowling and trade press. Expo product manager, Gabriella Zoni said, "Getting the Enada Spring 2005 message across required an image able to communicate trade members the thematic strength of amusement arcades as venues, but above all as a way of using games. We've no longer any doubts on the electronic component of amusement: The triumph of computerised visuals also had a high impact on attractions that are based mainly on mechanical components. All the actions, effects and results are followed on the screen, and only a very small part of the games (those for toddlers) have kept their mechanical content (these are however a marginal part of amusement arcades)."
Show organisers have said innovation would be a key feature of Enada 2005 communication. They said that after years of the theme «insert coin», they then defined the concept with the consequence of this action - «play». They said, "In short, it's time to play our coin, and really enjoy the fantastic opportunities that only an amusement arcade can offer, finally taking our distance from solitary home video games: so it's «play coin» time." They said that with this in mind, they used the symbolism of a 50-cent coin (the direct heir to the tokens in payment systems of the near future), to refer back to the means and ends of arcade dynamics, taking the place in everybody's imagination of a «real» device with which to amuse oneself. Another aspect of the Enada Spring Show's new promotional image is a brand new skate, surf or snow board, the object of our desires (and the realisation of all our desires) being ridden by a person identifiable as a boy doing his utmost to «play it» as best he can, while we see him in the typical position for making use of one of the aforementioned pieces of equipment. This is descibed by show organisers as a highly dynamic image, which seems to go against the grain of the static nature of the printed page and jump out the poster with an unbeatable burst of energy. Ms Zoni said, "The background colour and use of the lettering in the visuals contribute to giving an original, extremely effective impact: the presence of simulated games (amusement electronics) evoked by the coin representing the key to their access) is found alongside the typical dynamic nature of a mechanical game, with clear reference to many of the «physical» tests players are put to by arcade games".
Complete satisfaction has been expressed by the owners of the Enada Spring trademark -Sapar – an Association safeguarding trade members' interests – and Rimini Fiera. Chairman Domenico Distante said, "Rimini Fiera's creativity and professional competence enable the expo event dedicated to coin-op machines to go from strength to strength each year, giving this sector a brilliant, dynamic and extremely productive image. And now that we've entered the new market of machine that give prizes, this work must be even more incisive, to show that the coin-op trade is an industry able to produce work and revenue, while fully complying with current norms." With a view to form a network of machines that give wins expected to commence on 31 October via its consortium SaparNet, Sapar has founded GiocoLecito, an RTI (Temporary Combine of Enterprises), which will be one of the concessionaires authorised by the Amministrazione Autonoma Monopoli di Stato (Italy's State Monopoly Administration.) Sapar said it has thus achieved its goal of enabling members to continue trading in this sector, even if a regulation has deprived them of the legal ownership of the authorisation to run the actual machines.
For more information about Enada Spring 2005, click
this link.