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Virtua On Force currently in production
Hitmaker have now released advanced screenshots of "Virtua On Force." For those of you not a familar with the "Virtual On(Cyber Troopers)" series it's a robot fighting game. The Player controls their robot with twin joysticks which enable movement around the 3D environments. Located on the joysticks are the player's firing controls which allows a variety attacks including, close combat, ranged and aerial attacks.
With Virtua On Force still in production only about 1/3 complete, exact details of the game are not known at this time however this version will see the introduction of 2 on 2 fighting. This allows 4 combatants to be on the screen at the one time, which means double teaming and a lot more fast paced action. Another feature to be implimented is when a partner of one team energy is completely lost, his/her partner has a limited time to press the emergency dash rescue button currently set as the start button.
This dash rescue enables the remaining team member to rush their dying comrades side, if they makes it in time, he/she will share some of the robot's remaining energy with his/her fallen comrade, enable them both to continue the fight.
Below are some advance screen shot with thanks to the Hitmaker website