FX Simulation has unveiled its trailer for the U2 Mirage Simulator, which has an onboard computer and generator as standard. Managing Director of the company, John Flemming said he came up with the idea of mounting the U2 on a trailer, following the large number of requests for this at recent exhibitions. "The trailer has gone from concept sketch to working prototype within two months. Everyone has assisted in the design and production, it has been a real team effort that we are really pleased with," Mr Flemming said. Existing customers can purchase the trailer as an accessory for their existing simulator and new customers can purchase the simulator already mounted on the trailer. "A lot of work has been put into the design to ensure that set up happens quickly and easily. This makes the simulator highly mobile giving it the flexibility to have a number of bookings over one day."
"For example, the simulator can be used for an event in the morning, a birthday party in the afternoon and at a concert at night." According to the company, the new trailer has generated a lot of interest with promotional companies and event organisers. The simulator itself is very dynamic on it's own, but being mounted on an impressive looking trailer with aluminium chequer plate and sprawling canopies, it draws even more attention. The mobile simulator is a fantastic promotional tool and can be used to promote a brand or a particular product. It has already been used at product launches and received a very warm response. From an operators standpoint the simulator is an excellent revenue generator with the versatility of being able to easily go to where the large footfall is. The mobile simulator has generated a lot of interest around Europe where the weather is better and outdoor events are more common. The trailer system is available now. For further details contact FX Simulation on 01334 65 75 75 or visit www.fxsimulation.com.
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