Harry Levy has unveiled Pop Idle, its totally new concept in three-player wall pushers. According to the manufacturer, Pop Idle gives the player two levels of coin push – with the top level featuring a unique paddle action, which then pushes coins onto the standard pusher box. Pop Idle boasts low-level, easy-play coin entries, which have been fitted with a "Power Saver" flip system that shuts off automatically when the machine is not in use. The cabinet design features an eye-catching top box, chasing lights and a brightly illuminated interior. Pop Idle is available on 2p or 10p play and has been extensively tested against other three-player wall pushers. Site tests have proved so successful that Harry Levy is already taking substantial numbers of orders for immediate delivery from the recent Preview. "We would seriously advise our customers to order Pop Idle now in order to ensure that we can deliver in good time for Easter," said Colin Mallery, Marketing Manager.
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