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EGB to Bring Clarity to Complex Legal Landscape
Delegates attending the forthcoming European Gambling Briefing (EGB), which takes place on 25-26 April at The Conrad, Brussels, Belgium, will receive the very latest expert opinion on the legal and economic status of gambling in Europe and how it impacts on pan-European gambling and betting operators. The two-day event, which will be chaired by leading Belgian attorney Thibault Verbiest and Bill Galston, former chief inspector, Gaming Board for Great Britain, will examine the latest issues and test cases including the recent decision by the Dutch Supreme Court to uphold the ban on Ladbrokes providing internet-based betting services in the Netherlands, and how the judgement fits with previous findings by the European Court of Justice, notably the Gambelli and Lindman cases.
Previewing the conference, Thibault Verbiest, who is a specialist attorney at the Brussels and Paris Bars, said, "With over 30 speakers including representatives from the EU Commission, leading lawyers in seven EU jurisdictions and pan-European operators including Casinos Austria, Ladbrokes.com, Sportingbet and StanleyBet, the EGB has to qualify as the most comprehensive and authoritative conference ever held on gambling in Europe. Our collective aim is to bring some clarity to what is a complex legal landscape and to provide pointers for investment and growth." Additional areas which will be debated over the course of the two days include money laundering, the legal status of advertising gambling services to consumers, social responsibility, age verification on remote sites and opportunities for growth within Europe. Over 150 delegates from 20 countries are expected to attend the EGB, making it one of the most popular events staged by ATE Conferences. For further information and ticket availability on the two-day event, follow this link.