Entertainment Technology Corporation (EnTCo) has announced the products it has been exhibiting at the IAAPA trade show this week including Monster Roll Cage, Wild Earth (Kiosk Version) and information about the Space Training Institute.
Monster Roll Cage
(pictured) is the latest in interactive simulated experiences featuring 360 degrees of continuous motion on the pitch and roll axes. This rocking ride has six Monster tracks and six Monster trucks to choose from. It pits driver against driver as they smash their way to the finish line. Players can complete multiple inversions while they flip and roll their truck in an effort to win the high score.
Wild Earth won the Best New Product Award at IAAPA 2004 and is now available as a stand-alone simulation experience. This new breed of interactive simulator ride attractions is a family title, sending players on a breathtaking photo safari through the plains of Africa. The riders control the vehicle and take actual photographs of the virtual habitat and species. The Kiosk version provides all the interactivity, education and family-fun as the full motion-based simulator version with a lower price and smaller footprint, according to EnTCo.
EnTCo has also announced its parent company, ETC, will be opening a Space Training Institute as of January 2007. The new Facility will feature a Spatial Disorientation Trainer, Altitude Chamber, Night Vision Trainer and Human Centrifuge for G-Force training. The package includes a classroom instruction and real training systems that Astronauts and Fight Pilots from around the world have been using. More information can be seen at