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uWink Announces the Release of Zillionaire: Rainbow Edition

uWink Announces the Release of Zillionaire: Rainbow Edition
uWink Announces the Release of Zillionaire: Rainbow Edition
"We're very happy that we can provide significant content to particular interest groups in a cost effective way," said Nolan Bushnell, CEO of uWink. "Because of our unique network system we can consistently provide extra entertainment in new ways. The gay population has always been an important part of the coin-operated game business and we are happy that we can customize our content to be responsive to them."

"Rainbow edition" will be a component of uWink's upcoming "Zillionaire" tournaments as soon as the installed base reaches an appropriate level. The company recently completed the first three of its unique "Zillionaire" tournaments, which encourage group play in a competitive prized environment, rewarding over $5,000.00 in cash prizes. The current "Valentine Zillionaire Tournament" which runs from February 7th through February 18th, will pay out more than $2,600.00 to the 10 highest scores. 1st prize is $750.00, 2nd is $450.00, 3rd is $300.00, 4th is $225.00 and the 5th to the 10th high scores win $150.00 each. Concurrently, uWink is running a "Shanghai" Tournament beginning February 14th and ending February 25th. The 10 high "Shanghai" scores will win almost $1,000.00, with 1st place taking home $200.00.

Additionally, watch for two new games to be downloaded by uWink in February, "Slide ‘Em" and "Kubis". "Slide ‘Em", which will hit terminals the week of the 12th, is the game equivalent of a slot machine in which the player controls the symbols. No longer a game of luck, it becomes one of skill. uWink will be conducting a "Slide ‘Em" tournament February 28th – March 11th. "Kubis", which will be introduced the week of February 26th, is a variation on the game of Yaht, with flashy graphics and new twists to make it more entertaining.

As usual the company will continue to download hundreds of new questions every two weeks to its standard "Zillionaire" game and its "Sports Zillionaire" to keep the content fresh.


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