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Ithaca Media and KWP make Alliance
KWP Limited, attractions and amusement consultancy specialists, and Ithaca Media, organiser of Leisure Industry Week (LIW), are pleased to announce their new partnership.
"I am delighted to have Kevin Williams on board. The focus on new technologies, particularly in simulation, video amusement in the attractions market is a major focus for us this year and yet another development and investment area among many others with the show this year," said Michael Westcott, Director of Ithaca Media's leisure group.
"KWP's expertise in amusement technology will help us form an exciting offering of the right players, content and technologies at the show this year, where we expect a sizeable increase in attendance from the attractions industry both here in the UK and across Europe," Westcott added.
During the Attractions Industry Forum education programme KWP will also be hosting a special session on new developments within attractions and amusements.