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Money Controls Universal Hopper Achieves 1.5 Million Sales

Money Controls Universal Hopper Achieves 1.5 Million Sales
Money Controls Universal Hopper Achieves 1.5 Million Sales
The Universal Hopper is firmly established within the gaming and amusement industries as a high capacity coin payout unit with a proven track record within applications.

The Universal Hopper has an extremely high capacity given its small space envelope, and is able to handle 95% of the world's currencies with a very limited number of mechanical configurations.

Universal by name and universal by nature, it provides maximum flexibility, paying out a wide range of coin sizes at a typical rate of 3 to 4 coins per second, with payout commands encrypted to prevent fraudulent activity.

The Universal Hopper can be integrated as part of a comprehensive package, including a range of coins mechanisms and note acceptors, and PayLink - a module which allows payment peripherals to be harnessed quickly to new machine platforms with no need for bespoke software.

It is also available with Money Controls' own ccTalk serial communication protocol, now accepted as industry standard, and designed to provide the secure transfer of credit and status information for a range of secure money system applications.

Money Controls' Chief Executive, Mike Innes, said: "After 25 years, and with 1.5 million units providing high reliability in the field, the Universal Hopper continues to prove itself as the foundation product that established Money Controls as experts on the international hopper market.

"We have never deviated from the original proven design as its longevity illustrates that, in addition to its high performance and unrivalled reliability, the Universal Hopper offers reduced operational costs, reduced fraud and low cost of ownership. Long may it continue to do so."


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