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Global VR to unveil America's Army Arcade Machine at AAMA Gala

Global VR to unveil America's Army Arcade Machine at AAMA Gala
Global VR to unveil America's Army Arcade Machine at AAMA Gala
Global VR has just announced their plans to unveil the latest addition to the company's 2007 line-up of titles, America's Army. The game is based on the popular America's Army game brand, and is the result of a unique partnership between the U.S Army and Global VR. The partnership included the development and manufacture of an official U.S. Army game for the arcade market, with the aim of creating a new communication channel with young Americans.

The game was developed with the help of U.S. Army Subject Matter Experts, and with the full cooperation of units of the U.S. Army. The purpose of such a partnership was to create a realistic and engaging game which immerses the player in the Army culture, through techniques such as the use of authentic Army videos and by focusing on actual Army training exercises.

"America's Army is an arcade style training game based on actual Army training exercises designed to challenge Soldiers to hone their skills. Players are rewarded for teamwork, proper use of the Rules of Engagement, accuracy, and target identification," says Mike Kruse, Global VR Producer. "The game's many marksmanship exercises are entirely target shooting challenges which make this unique product appropriate for many location types that do not desire simulated combat games."

"We are so proud to be working directly with the U.S. Army on this project," stated Jim DeRose Global VR President and CEO. "To have earned the Army's confidence throughout the game's development and delivered a coin-op game that fits the market needs of most video equipment operators is a huge accomplishment."

For more information about the machine, please click here


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