Lightspace Corporation has added three new games for its interactive gaming system, Lightspace Play. The new games will be showcased at the IAAPA trade show in Orlando, FL, November 13th-16th 2007, and released in January.
Super Jump Style is a jump rope game which detects each player's footsteps and rewards points based on technique. To cater to a wide market, play can range from basic jumping to more elaborate and complex styles.
Dance Off is a dance game in the style of a dance off, where each player, or team of players, generates moves that their opponent must match. Players can try any dance moves they want, making it as easy - or difficult - as the players want it to be.
HyperStep is an endurance challenge suitable for all ages. Gameplay involves each player standing in a corner of the Lightspace Play floor and running in place as fast as they can. The corner color spreads to match the speed of their steps, and play spontaneously starts and stops as cued by the floor color.
For more information on Lightspace Play,
Click Here