EELEX 2008, the Russian trade show dedicated to the Gaming market, will take place September 9-11 in Moscow. The trade show will take on even greater importance this year with the arrival of new legislation governing the gambling sector. As of the 1st July 2009, four special gambling zones will be set out in Russia, with many rushing to claim their place.
The special gambling zones will range from 500 to 2000 hectares each, with the Government planning to build recreational complexes aimed at tourists in the zones. Most experts say that the development of infrastructure for these projects will take three to four years but in some instances the work has already begun.
Smile-Expo, the organisers of EELEX, are anticipating the most important representatives of the world gambling market as exhibitors and the most important Russian customers as visitors.
"It will be the professional exhibition for people interested in this business and in making decisions for the future" says the CEO of Smile-Expo, Anton Loginov. The main focus during the preparations for the event relates to the new special gambling zones, and also on alternative forms of gambling such as lotteries and betting. The main theme sections at EELEX will surround Gambling equipment, Equipment for lottery and Betting, and Amusement equipment. There will also be a separate section for on-line gambling which has huge potential for development in Russia.
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