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Clarion Gaming respond to InterGame Expo announcement

Clarion Gaming respond to InterGame Expo announcement
Clarion Gaming respond to InterGame Expo announcement
ATEI organisers Clarion Gaming have responded to the announcement earlier this week regarding the new trade show, the InterGame Expo. Chief executive Peter Rusbridge believes that many see the trade show as an unwarranted and potentially divisive move.

The InterGame Expo will run during the same week as ATEI, and will be located within 10 minutes walk of Earls Court, home of the ATEI show. Peter Rusbridge explained : "Although the purpose of commercial organisations is to pursue profits, some observers have identified a whiff of opportunism surrounding this announcement. The view is that it is a divisive move which comes at a time when the industry should be working together to readjust to the challenges presented by the current trading environment."

"ATEI has unique heritage, for more than 60 years it has provided the coin-op industry with a vital platform for the launch and demonstration of product. Our duty to the industry is to protect and develop that platform and it is a role that we take very seriously. Every member of my team understands their responsibility and we will compete vigorously."

Rumblings of a new trade show have been present for months, with many exhibitors expressing dissatisfaction towards the layout at ATEI 2008. In an attempt to solve the problem, ATEI 2009 will be hosted in the self-contained Upper Level of Earls Court with its own exclusive entry and exit points.

"We have taken on board the desire expressed by our exhibitors to create a dedicated amusements show located on a single level," head of exhibitions, Karen Cooke explained. "In line with the requests expressed to us, there will be no internal link between ATEI and the re-branded International Gaming Expo: this will help in the retention and circulation of visitors and the creation of a unique atmosphere within each respective exhibition."


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