California Extreme, the pinball and classic video game show, has announced the list of speakers for this year's event. The show will feature a full schedule of speakers from the pinball and video game industry, as well as an arcade trivia contest. The list of speakers is as follows:
Arcade Tips and Tricks Panel
Mark Alpiger, Mark Robichek, Jonathan Koolpe, and Jason Spindler
Pinball Design 102 - A glimpse at how games evolve during the design cycle
Ted Estes and Steve Ritchie
Pinball Maintenance 101
Chris Kuntz of T Minus One
Arcade Trivia Contest
Jonathan Koolpe and Chris Kuntz
The Story Behind the Majorettes Canvas
Dan Fontes
Hellacopters Custom Pinball
Wade Krause and Dirty Donny
The Visible Pin and the Science of Pinball Project
Michael Schiess
Major Pinball and Arcade Machine Cusomisations
Jack Gordean
Donkey Kong II
Jeff Kulczycki
How to work on the same project for 11 years and not let the haters get you down
(or MAME: 11 years later still pissing people off)
Aaron Giles
Reinventing the classics - Bringing the old school experience to modern platforms
Mike Mika - Studio Head, Backbone Entertainment
Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball (Film and Discussion)
Greg Maletic
How to Play Pinball
Rick Stetta, Jim Belsito
For more information about California Extreme 2008
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