Early last month, Virgin Media opened a pop-up gam hub - the
Virgin Media Game Space - in the lead up to the Eurogamer Expo 2013. The official launch party took place last week (August 29), showcasing a number of new developments including some virtual reality (VR) demos.
The launch attracted a huge crowd and was attended by a few industry heavy-weights, including DNA Chairman and Stinger Report editor, Kevin Williams.
The venue has two main purposes. The first is to be a promotional platform to coincide with the Erogamer Expo taking place on September 21st.
The second is to provide an environment for gamers and budding developers of all ages to play, learn and create; to develop their skills and provide an avenue for participation, and contribution as well.
Virtual reality enjoyed a lot of attention at the launch, and with VR development being one of the biggest trends of 2013 so far, it's not surprising.
Oculus Rift made an appearance, as well as some yet-to-be-released indie titles such as 'Super Pole Riders', 'There Shall be Lancing' and 'Krautscape'. The Oculus Rift demos included 'Team Fortress 2' by Valve and 'Strike Suit Zero by Born Ready Games.
News via the
DNA Association.