The Dawn of Virtual Reality’ is a short documentary, designed to introduce people to the virtual reality (VR) industry, the future potential it has, and show how it may apply to the average person in an unbiased manner.
Virtual reality is a concept that has interested us for many decades now, but the buzz surrounding it since the inception of the Oculus Rift headset has been phenomenal. The headset has been taken on by hundreds of game development companies, praised by Stephen Hawking, and recently had billions invested in it by
Facebook. Not to mention the interest by non-gaming companies such as Toyota, who are looking at consumer applications outside of the entertainment industry.
The progress and intense interest in development surrounding VR since the Oculus Rift came on the scene nearly two years ago has been phenomenal, and traction of the technology at this point would be almost impossible to stop. It is safe to say we are looking at the next stage in the human experience with technology.
The documentary features a number of game design and VR experts, including the DNA Association's Founder and Chairmen, as well as the editor of the Stinger Report, Kevin Williams - an expert of virtual reality and it's applications in the out-of-home entertainment sector and consumer applications.
Check out the documentary below. It is only a quick video, it runs for just over 11 mins, so take the time to watch and introduce yourself to the possibilities virtual reality is presenting:
News via the
DNA Assoiation.