Akuma the Demon, originally from the Street Fighter series, has been announced as part of the Tekken 7: Fated Retribution update which will be part of the console release. Since the announcement, YouTube channel toitoi123 ' has published an Akuma Comparison Video.
The video compares how Akuma performs his signature moves in the Tekken engine and playstyle, to how he performs in Street Fighter, and the result is pretty spectacular.
The video demonstrates what a great job Bandai Namco actually did in replicating Akuma’s look, signature moves, and stances for Tekken. Move comparisons seen in the video include: air fireballs, hurricane kick, teleport, dragon punch, and his most special and devastating move - the Raging Demon. The graphics comparison is also an interesting by product of the video.
Akuma’s role in Tekken 7 involves him with Kazumi Mishima, who charges Akuma with defeating Heihachi and Kazuya if she should die as a way of repaying his debt to her. What this debt is and how it fits into the overall storyline is yet to be fully understood.
To check out how Tekken 7 compares, you can watch the video below:
Bandai Namco has also released some new screenshots showing the improved graphics for the game, which you can see below as well.