Silverball machines which have access to the world wide web are now ready to offer real "Online-Dating". Already more than 9.000 people have registered, with the opportunity to search for a partner and chat online.
"click-a-date" is the name of the Online-Dating-exchange which is making its arrival now in the German-speaking areas on all Silverball machines. A system which already exists and is going very well has been reedited especially for Silverball machines.
The translation of the Online-Dating-exchange is currently being done and in the near future "click-a-date" will be available in many European countries. With this new feature, the company says, "we want to demonstrate that it is impossible being up-to-date without usage of the internet today even in our branch. The technology and network which we have built up together with our customers during the past few years now enables us to react to market's demands and install appropriate solutions."
Online-Dating feature installed on Silverball machines will offers real Online-feeling. All new contacts are immediately visible for all users right after the registration process is finished and there is also the possibility of chatting online within the "click-a-date"-community.
Requirement for owners of Silverball machines are to have Silverball version 6.0 or higher, access to the Championsnet, and an enabled Internet-browser. You can also use the feature from your own home by
clicking this link.