Virtua Fighter is back with a new 21st century design. With just three simple buttons – "Punch", "Kick" and "Guard" – a whole new range of possibilities is smashed open, creating a fighting game of amazing depth, but that is also easy enough to appeal to a wide range of players.
Sega Amusements Europe Ltd, Sales Director – Paul Williams commented "This game is going to be the smash hit of 2001. We have already income tested the game in several sites, and not only is the income better than any other fighting game (including some recently released ones by you know who), but it is also better than any other upright joystick and button game. This game will be available in the widely acclaimed Naomi Universal cabinet as well as in PCB Kit form. There has been a clear gap in the market for some time for a new generation of fighting game."
"Virua Fighter 4 fills that gap and creates an even newer market. I have never been a great fan of fighting games myself, but even I am addicted to Virtua Fighter 4. It is great because the controls are so simple that even the most average gameplayer can enjoy and appreciate the game, whilst the there is enough depth of play to keep the hardcore fanatic frantically busy. The fighting game genre became so complicated that the average player was embarrassed and frightened away from the game because they did not wish to appear stupid when they could not play the game. This certainly will not happen with Virtua Fighter 4."
Aesthetically speaking, There has been considerable improvement, chiefly due to the game's Naomi 2 powered hardware, allowing a visual finesse never before realised. One such stage sees a night time fight take place on a windswept roof top around which a police helicopter circles, tracking both contestants with a flood light.
Stage sets such as these allow incredible texture detail to be highlighted. The human motion is incredibly lifelike. Characters hands benefit from realistic animation, with individual lines visible and faces expressing emotions to match the action. Clothing is also incredibly accurate in terms of physics modelling, and terrain is subject to constant change. One of the characters Aoi fights in a snowbound stage, upon which footprints will be left by the contestants as the snowflakes drift and pile up. 10 million fully lit and effected polygons create imagery never before realised.
The new system features:
a. Charge Attack - You can unleash a "Charge Attack" by holding down the button while executing a move. Not only is this kind of attack extremely powerful, but it can also break your opponents guard!
b. Dodge Attack - Executing the "Dodge Attack" command allows you to dodge your opponents attacks - the same as pressing the "Escape" button in Virtua Fighter 3. If you enter another move while dodging, you'll create a "Dodge Attack", avoiding your opponents attack while countering with your own!
c. Wall Attack - When your opponent is near the wall and you score a successful hit, your opponent will stagger for a moment. By unleashing successive attacks, you can destroy the wall and force your opponent out of the ring!
d. Recovery - When you're knocked down by your opponent's attacks, executing a command just before you hit the ground will let you perform a "Recovery". By performing a "Recovery", you can avoid any follow-up attacks that your opponent may try to use while you're on the ground.
A total of 14 characters to choose from including 2 brand new ones. One female – Vanessa Lewis and one male – Lei Fei. The latter appears to be an ageing Oriental monk, one obvious trait being his fierce attack speeds.
For More Information please contact:
Paul Williams
Sales Director
Sega Amusements Europe Ltd
Phone +44 (0) 20 8336 1222
Fax +44 (0) 20 8336 1715