- More machines in Betting shops and higher payouts
- More machines for casinos 8 per live table and possible linked jackpots and credit payouts with unlimited wins
- More Casinos including the making of resorts like Blackpool into a British Las Vegas
- No mix of children and adults in inland amusement arcades A clear separation of children and adults in Seaside arcades for gaming
- No more gaming machines in places that attract children like fish n chip shops
- No more Club (casino) style machines in Working mans clubs
- The possibility of now being able to share the take on gaming machines in single sites whereas before only a rental was permitted.
None of the above recommendations are cast in stone and it is now up to the gaming industry with its Arcades/Casinos/Betting shops/Bingo Halls and single site operator to fight their corner and get the best deal.
We would love to hear where you stand and how this effects members in the UK, we will update you on more information as we get it. Also if you need further information please speak to Mr Chris Hayley at Dransfields LEEDS tel 0113 2444 555.