On October 10th Italian Undersecretary of Finace Department, Daniele Molgora, opened the 29th edition of Enada show held in Rome. On behalf of the entire Government, Molgora gave Italian operators his kindest greetings and assured them that every problems are going to be faced and promptly solved by the Government with a due adjustment of Law 388/00.
Welcome to the 29th Enada!
As usual the exhibition has been very interesting in spite of the crisis affecting the sector after the issuing of law 388/00. Indeed, the present political situation is more important and discussed than the commercial one, but it seems Enada doesn't care: direct exhibitors are only 10% less than last year. It is a very positive response, as producers and operators are living in a total uncertainty, ruled by a very penalising and illogical law. Sapar keeps on working to adjust it. We want to introduce the coin-to-coin principle in order to permit prize machines, even if similar to English law stake/prize machines. It could be help to avoid tampering machines and to guarantee their legality.
We were encouraged by the first meeting with representatives of the Government. They seemed to accept our idea: operators really want to destroy illegality and that is why they are asking a clear, unambiguous and actual law. When in press, we still don't know if our requests - which we are trying to insert in the Financial Act 2002 - will be accepted. When you read this article, the situation would probably be clearer.
This year Enada bears an important news. Three have been days of exhibition, so that the Enada show is now similar to the main European fairs. Divided in three pavilions 22, 23, and 24 in the Rome Fair,the exhibition surface is 16,000 sm and more or less 120 exhibitors are attending, together with the most famous specialized European magazines, among which our http://www.bernardieugenio.com/
This report with thanks to