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The Maze of the Kings

The Maze of the Kings
The Maze of the Kings
Sega Amusement Europe's latest gun game the Maze of the Kings was recently shown at the ATEI to great acclaim. The game has been designed to create all the fast paced action of the standard shooting game, but with the clever use of a mythical staff instead of a gun.

Sega Amusements Europe Ltd, Sales Director - Paul Williams commented, "The absence of the gun does not hinder the game play in any way, but it allows operators to have a strong shooting game without all the legislative and high taxation problems associated with a gun game in certain countries. The Maze of Kings is a 'gun game' that hopefully will get around the adverse publicity that gun games stir up in many markets. Additionally parents may feel less concerned about their children playing with a mythical staff than a realistic gun."

Production of the game is due to commence in April and will be available in 50" Deluxe format as well as the Naomi Universal Shooting Cabinet.


"The Maze of the Kings" is a terrifying and exciting shooting game in which you take on the role of the intrepid action hero Archaeological Treasure Hunter. You travel through rivers ,across desserts and explore inside vast Pyramids whilst in search of the "Worlds Lost Treasure". This is a perilous journey that is fraught with many dangers from the evil guardians of the lost empire who appear in the form of mummies and sinister creatures..... You use a Magical Cane to fire Light, Sparks or Fire to fend off and kill these evil incarnations.

Random Map System

The first time ever for a shooting game! The story unfolds randomly. There are 3 to 4 areas to clear in each stage and a total of 4 stages. These areas will be randomly selected by the game from a list of more than 24 areas, so that each game hold new and exiting discoveries for the player. Players can win repeatedly, each time building on their score. The story develops in different directions from an early stage of the game, allowing even beginners to enjoy the different plots and sub plots.

The creatures insane expression and rapid movements invites you into a world of fantasy and fear, where the story develops at a rapid pace. The game creates fear and terror with realistic graphics and a story filled with puzzles - just like as if you'd been transported back in time to Ancient Egypt and the days of the Pharaohs.

Magical Cane

The weapon of choice for any aspiring Archaeological Treasure Hunter is a Magical Cane to fend off the evil forces of darkness. This Magical Cane has a choice of effects. At the beginning of the game the player can choose 1 effect from a choice of 3 magical effects:

· LIGHT - The damage created by this effect is low, but the player is able to use
it 8 times before re-loading.

· SPARK - The basic effect in this game.

· FIRE - This is the most powerful effect, but can only be used sparingly before
having to re-load.


· 2 Player Shooting game.

· Exchange System allows players to swap lives.

· Use the Magic Cane to shoot the enemy.

· Revolutionary Random Map System ensure limitless variety to the game.

· Shoot off screen to reload.

· Continue feature keeps the action Hot

· Available in High Resolution 50" Dlx and 29" Naomi Universal Cabinets.

For More Information click here or please contact:

Paul Williams
Sales Director
Sega Amusements Europe Ltd
Phone +44 (0) 1372 731820
Fax +44 (0) 1372 731849
E-mail paulw@sega.co.uk.


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